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úterý 7. června 2011

E3 - First Day

I've been watching everything on livestream yesterday and they did it again! Man excitement is getting the better of me now. Unfortunately only Sony and Microsoft presented out of the big three,so I'll wait for Nintendo and write a longer entry tomorrow.
Still here are some games I'm totally excited about:

Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
Uncharted 1 and 2 are definitely my favourite games on the PS3 right now and after having seen that trailer, I don't think it'll be changing anytime soon. I'm really excited about the old cast returning in a brand new adventure!Also the Uncharted series has been the only one to fully use the PS3's graphical potential.

Assassin's Creed: Revelations
Look at that badass motherfucker Ezio. This video clearly shows what Ezio is made of, as not even age can defeat him. I really like where this game is heading by making a connection to the first game's hero Altair. At first I was hoping for a completely new Assassin's Creed, but I'm in no way dissapointed with what they've given us instead. Oh yeah for those interested: the song is 'Iron' by Woodkid (Youtube)

Other games I'm waiting for are: Skyrim, Arkham City and some others, but first I'll wait what Nintendo's got to show.

Yours sincerely

5 komentářů:

  1. I cant wait for uncharted. Looks so awesome.

  2. I loved uncharted 2 so much, so you can imagine that I will be first in line for uncharted 3

  3. Both those games looks sooooo sweet!

  4. There are tooooooo many great games coming out this year!

  5. Can't wait for next years E3 now that this years is over
